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Lawmakers Question Nursing Home Spending Amid Staffing Debate
Lawmakers Question Nursing Home Spending Amid Staffing Debate
May 6, 2024
Three U.S. senators and two U.S. representatives are scrutinizing the financial practices of three major nursing home operators as the industry resists a new federal regulation introduced by the Biden administration that would set mandatory minimum staffing levels. On Sunday, Senators Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Richard Blumenthal, along with Representatives Jan Schakowsky and Lloyd Doggett, sent letters to the top executives of three prominent nursing home chains. They raised concerns about substantial expenditures on executive compensation, stock buybacks, and […]
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Do I Really Need a Will for My Pet?
Do I Really Need a Will for My Pet?
January 12, 2024
Pets bring immense joy and companionship to our lives. However, many pet owners overlook the importance of including their pets in their estate planning. Having a will for your pet may not be something you have considered, but it can provide peace of mind and ensure that your pet is taken care of in the unfortunate event of your passing. We'll explore the various reasons why having a will for your pet is crucial and why you should consider it […]
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Sanctuaries or Organizations That Provide Long-Term Care
Sanctuaries or Organizations That Provide Long-Term Care
December 22, 2023
Pets bring joy and companionship to our lives, but circumstances can arise where pet owners are no longer able to provide the necessary care. This could be due to illness, financial hardship, or other unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, it is important to have a plan in place to ensure the well-being of our pets. Thankfully, there are sanctuaries and organizations that specialize in providing long-term care for pets in need. These organizations offer a safe and loving environment where […]
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Pet Trusts vs. Pet Wills Which Is Right for Your Pet
Pet Trusts vs. Pet Wills: Which Is Right for Your Pet?
December 19, 2023
As pet owners, we often consider our furry friends as part of the family. So, what happens to them when we're no longer around? Planning for the future of our pets is just as important as planning for our own estate. When it comes to planning for your pet's future, it's crucial to consider the different options available. Pet trusts and pet wills offer distinct advantages and considerations, allowing you to tailor your plan to best suit your pet's unique […]
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Tips On How to Avoid Estate Tax
Tips On How to Avoid Estate Tax
December 12, 2023
Estate tax, also known as inheritance tax or death tax, is a tax imposed on the transfer of property after someone's death. It can greatly reduce the value of an estate and create financial difficulties for those left behind. However, with careful planning and knowledge of the tax laws, individuals can take steps to minimize the impact of estate tax and ensure that their loved ones receive as much of their estate as possible. From Senior Advocate Center, we'll share […]
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Does a New Will Override an Old Will? Image
Does a New Will Override an Old Will?
November 29, 2023
If you are considering creating a new will, you may be wondering what this means for your old will. Your will was created to provide clear instructions on what to do with your property after your death. But things can change, and you may want to make alterations to your will. Keeping your will updated is the best way to ensure your wishes are fulfilled after you pass. In this blog, we'll discuss whether a new will overrides an old […]
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What Is the Probate Process Without a Will? Image
What Is the Probate Process Without a Will?
November 27, 2023
What Is the Probate Process Without a Will? When a person passes away without a will, the probate process takes a turn, introducing challenges and considerations that demand careful attention. At Senior Advocate Center, our mission is to provide valuable insights and resources to empower seniors in their estate planning journey, ensuring that even in the absence of a will, the probate process can be navigated with clarity and understanding. What Is Probate? For starters, it's crucial to know what […]
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What Is a Special Needs Trust?
November 9, 2023
As we journey through life, we naturally encounter moments of reflection and contemplation about the future. For seniors and their loved ones, these moments often include discussions about estate planning, ensuring financial security, and providing for the well-being of family members, especially those with special needs. At Senior Advocate Center, we're here to empower you with the knowledge and resources you need to navigate this intricate landscape. When considering the specific needs of a beloved family member with disabilities, you […]
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What Is a Trust Fund?
November 3, 2023
Whether you're nearing retirement, considering your legacy, or planning for the financial well-being of your loved ones, understanding the fundamentals of trust funds is essential. There's a common misconception that trust funds are only for the wealthy. However, this isn't always the case. Trust funds are essential in securing your assets for the future of your loved ones. If you're a senior citizen planning for the future, a family member seeking to ensure your loved ones' financial security, or just […]
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